Firework Friday – Wild Ride

Ff wild ride mark's fireworks

Put your hands in the air and scream for this Wild Ride! Introducing yet another 500-gram value cake to our line-up in 2019, the sister cake to House Rivalry!

Wild Ride is another buy one get one free cake that’s got a great variety of effects, colors, and shot pattern. We were excited to be able to introduce the crossette effect to our line-up, however we understand not everyone has room for wide angled cakes such as “Just Looking”. Crossettes need to have a little angle for the best view of the effect, so Wild Ride has just enough angle to give that, but not too much you can’t shoot it in a neighborhood!

Wild Ride starts off with four huge peonies of red, blue, green and strobes. Next you will see four red comets with gold tails go up at angles and break into red crossettes. Our next sequence of four shots are gold brocades with beautiful green strobes, before another row of comets with gold tails and green crossettes. The last four shots go off rapidly for a small built-in finale of gold brocades with crackling flowers!